Belt weigher system
It seems easy work to measure material transport on belts but many of influencing factor of production could harm on accure weighing results badly. (weather, vibration, belt-conditions, etc.) so it is a hard job to find and install the best belt weigher system.
EuroScale offers several well-experienced belt weighing solution even it is a stable or a mobile belt system. Beside support we service most of Hungarian belt weighers used in the quarries or construction production.
Reaching the highest requests we offer the Westweigh belt weighers for the mobile application as crushers, screening machines like Anaconda, CDE, Global, Terex Pegson, Extec, Terex Finlay, GIPO, Hartl, Kleemann, Metso, McCloskey, Parker, Powerscreen, Rubblemaster, Svedala, S.B.M., Tesab and Telestack where Westweigh SBM is already accredicted.
For stable industrial production we offer the latest product range of Wöhwa belt systems for measuring, dosing or controlling the production.
Due latest technologies we use wireless data management systems for control and monitor the production too.
Introducing the Wöhwa Belt Scale SFB 22
The new Belt Scale SFB 22 combines tradition and experience in the design and engineering of scales with a view of the digital future within the context of Industry 4.0. In cooperation with Mettler-Toledo, a Single Point Load Cell has been engineered that not only guarantees a high accuracy of measurements, but also facilitates and speeds up transmission of weight data and integration into networks.
Features, Advantages, and Benefits
The telescopic belt scale SFB 22 can be easily adapted to varying chassis widths for belt widths ranging from 500 mm to 1,000 mm, using one Single Point Load Cell, or ranging from 1,200 mm to 1,600 mm, using two Single Point Load Cells. Admissible belt speeds up to 2 m/s, further versions for higher belt speeds are available upon request.
The robust design thoroughly protects all relevant parts of the belt scale from climatic effects, making it suitable for use in a variety of different environments and locations. The hermetically sealed stainless-steel load cell, protection class IP68, as well as the galvanized chassis are further features of the rugged design. Operating temperature range from -20 °C to + 65 °C (load cell).
The Single Point Load Cell has a breaking load capacity of 300 percent of its nominal load capacity (Emax) and does not require an overload protection.
With a constant belt speed, the Run Detect Technology makes a measuring wheel redundant. The SFB 22 detects belt operation by sensing vibrations.
As an optional add-on, either a standard or a high-resolution measuring wheel can be installed. The SFB 22 automatically detects the optional measuring wheel after it has been installed and connected.
Due to the innovative technology of the measuring unit, no external field display device is required. The Belt Scale settings are configured via a WEB Server, a feature that reduces the purchase price.
For integration into existing plant systems, standard Ethernet or Profinet interfaces are provided.
The supplied Belt Load Logger provides more functions for the evaluation of weighing data. It is also possible to receive e-mails on the smartphone providing totalling information for each day.
Wöhwa szalagmérlegek - telepített szállítószalagok mérésére
Westweigh - The SIBW (Single Idler Belt Weigher)
The Single Idler System (SIBW) is a low cost solution ideal for plant inventory, control and indication. It is also perfect for all mobile plant applications and is “factory fitted” by many of the leading machine manufacturers. The low profile weighframe utilises two precision load cells and is maintenance free. It is quick and easy to install and most systems are fitted by the customer. Full telephone technical support is always available from WestWeigh if required. Naturally WestWeigh can install the system if preferred.
The Weighframe
The Weighframe is extremely tough, having originally been developed specifically for the mobile crushing industry where space is at a premium and the operational environment is at its most hostile. The galvanised weighframe is fully floating on two precision load cells that again have been developed to suit the environment. No maintenance is required apart from occasional inspection to ensure the weighframe is generally clear of debris.
The Speed Wheel
The Speed Sensor runs on the clean side of the return belt and ensures accurate weighing even if the belt speed is not constant.
The Integrator
The Integrator (Totaliser) is the fourth generation of the very successful CBC/1001 instrument. It is very easy to use with all data being entered through a “user friendly” menu system. The electronics are microprocessor based and all programme and calibration details are stored in non-volatile memory so that the system does not have to be continuously powered. To enable WestWeigh to provide free support, Powerful Diagnostic Facilites are built into the system.
Mérőpad és mérőcellák
A digitális mérőcellákat tartalmazó mérőpad a legpontosabb mérésre alkalmas. Ezt az elemet helyezzük be a szállítószalag vezetőgörgő sorába, vagy egy meglévő elem kiváltásával, vagy az mellé építve. A padra felszereljük az eredeti görgőket, így a konstrukciót tekintve a szalag teljesen megegyezik a gyári kivitellel.
A mérőcellák elhelyezése egyedi, Westweigh szabadalom, így a mérési pontosság kiemelkedő, a legmagasabb kategóriába esik.
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