Mobile axle weighing and weighing platforms
Mobile weighing platforms (so called "Slippers") are able to measure the axle load on each trucks/vans and summarizing axle loads as total load of the vehicle and by mobility they are able to use in several segment of transport. Though completing with external accessories they can be as mobile weighing stations on the most econimical costs.

WWS platforms
WWS platforms usually have one passive and one active part form the pair.
The active part has a digital numaric LCD display showing the weighing datas directly to user.
Completing WWS-RTF with Blutooth transmission module the driver can read loading datas easily from cabin without getting out of the truck.

Weighing platform can be ordered in several size and capacity.
Ask for quotation for your vehicle!
Main range of WWS platforms
Dimensions (mm)
Max. Load Axle Load
6.000 kg 12.000 kg
10.000 kg 20.000 kg
15.000 kg 30.000 kg

Smart Axle Function
With Android/iOs application
Multifunction digital weight indicator in Rack version complete with 4 connectors for linking the platforms, built-in rechargeable battery, battery charger, thermal printer, time/date and case. It is particularly suitable for vehicle weighing applications. Available in repeater version, with integrated radio module, to be combined to the DFWLAPKR weight transmitter, for remote connection to the platforms. CE-M approvable (OIML R-76 / EN 45501).
Waterproof functional keyboard with 17 keys.
LCD backlit display with 6 25-mm high contrast digits and with indication of active functions.
Rack type metallic case.
Calibration, set-up parameters, printouts, etc., all configurable from keyboard.
Instrument management & configuration from PC with DINITOOLS.
Up to 10.000e in single range mode @ 0,3 µV/d in CE-M approved version for legal for trade use.
Up to 1.000.000 displayable divisions with internal resolution up to 3.000.000 points.
A/D 24-bit 4-channel sigma-delta conversion, up to 200 conv./sec. autoselect and up to 8 signal linearization points.
Fitted with 4 connectors for connection to 4 platforms (up to 8 optional).
Connectable with up to 8 analogue load cells having 350 Ohm input resistance.
Built-in rechargeable battery (10-hour minimum operating time) with fitted external 12 Vdc / 230 Vac adapter.
Fitted with thermal printer, time/date, case for housing indicator and with space for other accessories.
Dimensions: 325x460x170 mm; Total weight: about 5 kg.